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Experts from DNV GL Visited Puyi

Release time:2016-11-07 11:07

November 3, four experts from DNV GL arrived on a visit to Weihai Puyi for inspection and guidance.

The two parties conducted detailed exchanges. Manager Chen from DNV GL conveyed the resolution passed at the 70th MEPC conference, that the sulfur limit of 0.5% regulated by Article 14 of Annex VI of MARPOL convention will be enforced from January 1, 2020 globally. He believed that it is urgent for shipowners to determine on a compliant solution as soon as possible. Among solutions currently available, EGCS is an advantageous option against low-sulfur fuel and alternative fuels. There was also a Q&A session, where experts answered questions raised by Puyi staff, and offered detailed training and guidance on relevant regulations of the classification society.

After the meeting, chief engineer of Puyi accompanied DNV GL experts on a field trip to the factory site, investigating details of the desulfurization equipment. Compared with traditional desulfurization products, Puyi scrubber is more compact, cost-effective and safe to operate, suitable for both new-built and retrofitting projects.

DNV GL is widely recognized for its technical capacity in marine survey and classification, especially in marine desulfurization field. DNV GL experts paid this visit to Puyi right after IMO approved the proposal of enforcing global sulfur cap of 0.5% in 2020, helping Puyi further improve its certification system to better cater to the market demand. This not only shows that DNV GL has a positive prediction of scrubber market, but also displays its high regard towards Puyi’s magnesium-based method of desulfurization.

Puyi will work closely with DNV GL to consistently improve product quality and service standards and help shipowners to better cope with the upcoming challenges.

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